Well today was my wife's birthday and she was nice enough to let me go hunting...pretty much all day. First I chased pheasants with no luck. Then my dad took off work and we went after some ducks. Luckily he has a little time to scout so that I don't have to "waste" my afternoons with no birds. He found a spot that was very easy to get to. Especially compared to where we had been hunting. Ended up with my limit of drakes (6 greenies and 1 gadwall) and a bonus snipe. My dad shot 6 mallards. He might try to say that he let me do the shooting but its not true. I know of at least one bird that I let him shoot all three and miss before I brought it down for him. I'm glad he likes to go with me though.

Check out this picture of Gayland Jr. Don't you see the resemblance?

Click on this picture to blow it up and see if you can see all the ducks flying around in the background. They were all over the place after sunset.
By the way.... HAPPY BIRTHDAY Annie!!!!!