My family went on a little excursion to the Homestead in Midway this last weekend. It was tons of fun but the my highlight was definitely Monday morning. My dad arranged for us to go on a half day guided fly fishing trip on the Provo. It was amazing. I caught some of the nicest fish I ever have on a fly rod. The guides were great to work with and also pretty fun to fish with. The guide service that we used was Rocky Mtn Outfitters. There were two guides for the three of us that went. The guides names were Greg Randal and Doug Askelson. Dave had never fly-fished before so he got a lot of one-on-one time with Doug. He must have been a really good teacher because Dave actually landed 3 fish all on his own. They were all really good browns. I think I ended up with 6; one was a real nice rainbow. The guide said it was a real "slab". The rainbow was cool though because it kept jumping clear out of the water. My dad was nice enough to let the guides spend most of their time with Dave and I, unfortunately he never ended up landing a fish. We all had tons of fun though. Thanks Todd for a really great morning!