Wednesday, October 27, 2010

The Best Wife Ever!!!!

Annie gave me an early Christmas Present. I had nothing to do with the purchase other than she had heard me talk about it multiple times. Could I be any luckier?

Winchester Super X2. It is a sweet gun!!
I haven't had it a week and its already killed 12 ducks.


Skipped class today because Mitch informed me that he "had found the birds." How am I supposed to miss that? Well it didn't disappoint. We had an awesome hunt. I love being patient and only shooting birds that are feet down. Doesn't get much better than that.

Notice that sweet black autoloader on my shoulder? That's right the new gun has not disappointed. Mitch nicknamed our guns the black bandits.

Monday, October 25, 2010


Skipped out on work for the afternoon to try out the new gun. I got 5 and Todd shot 3. It was ok for just going out blind. Hopefully the birds will show up soon!

Tuesday, October 5, 2010


Mitch and I made a Sunday night decision to head out Monday morning. We hunted the same place as the opener, code name "wisconsin". It was an excellent hour and a half. We both limited and made it to work on time. I took chase with us on this hunt. He actually did quite well considering it was his first duck hunt. This dog is not a big fan of the water either. He had a couple of good marks and even brought a couple back all on his own. Its good to know that I have a back-up dog in case jax gets injured.

Sunday, October 3, 2010

Opening Day 2010

Spent the opener with Todd and Darin. Had a really good hunt. This was the first time on an opener the whole group has limited. We did it with two guns also. Darin's gun wouldn't fire. Birds flew really well, especially for such a blue-bird day. Jax did excellent considering I haven't had him out practicing much recently. It was a good start to what hopefully will be a great season.

Bird Counts 2014-2015

Ducks: 7
Chase Birds Retrieved: 38

Bird Counts 2013-2014

Ducks: 21
Geese: 3
Doves: 6
Pheasants: 2

Bird Counts 2012-2013

Swan: 1
Coot: 1

Bird Counts 2011-2012

Dove: 5
Grouse: 1
Ducks: 74
Geese: 9
Pheasants: 6

Bird Counts 10-11

Doves: 8
Ducks: 38
Canada Geese: 1
Pheasants: 5

Bird Counts 09-10

Doves: 26
Ducks: 95
Canada Geese: 16
Snow Geese: 1
Coots: 4
Pheasants: 1
Snipe: 1

Days in the Field

2012: 58
2013-2014 Waterfowl: 22
2014-2015 Waterfowl: 2