Friday, December 11, 2009


Well, I made it out hunting everyday this last week. I didn't kill as many birds as I wanted to, but it was still really cool. Today we decided to put the sneak on those teal that wouldn't work yesterday. We ended up getting three limits of drakes. It was a really fast hunt too. They sure are pretty little birds. Tyler didn't wear his waders and got soaking wet...especially when he fell on his back right in the water. He beat Mitch and I to the truck by about 15 minutes. It took him that long to get his frozen coveralls off though.

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Bird Counts 2014-2015

Ducks: 7
Chase Birds Retrieved: 38

Bird Counts 2013-2014

Ducks: 21
Geese: 3
Doves: 6
Pheasants: 2

Bird Counts 2012-2013

Swan: 1
Coot: 1

Bird Counts 2011-2012

Dove: 5
Grouse: 1
Ducks: 74
Geese: 9
Pheasants: 6

Bird Counts 10-11

Doves: 8
Ducks: 38
Canada Geese: 1
Pheasants: 5

Bird Counts 09-10

Doves: 26
Ducks: 95
Canada Geese: 16
Snow Geese: 1
Coots: 4
Pheasants: 1
Snipe: 1

Days in the Field

2012: 58
2013-2014 Waterfowl: 22
2014-2015 Waterfowl: 2