Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Browne Lake/Green River

I had the opportunity to go camping the last few days with Annie to one of our favorite places, Browne Lake.  We left Sunday and planned to stay until Wednesday.  We did lots of relaxing and fishing.  Todd, Mary, and Colton came up Monday for the day.  We had a great time, and caught a bunch of dinky fish on the stream.  Todd even out fished me on the lake; he used spinners though.  Here are a couple stories I needed to share though:
We decided to go to the Green River on Tuesday morning.  We got there around 9 a.m. The wind was blowing like crazy and on my third cast this happens:

It was too deep for me or Annie to remove by pulling on it so Annie decided we needed to find somewhere in Dutch John that could help me. She did not have the stomach to push it the rest of the way through and cut it off.  Believe it or not, there is not a soul in the greater Dutch John area who could (or would) help me get my hook out.  After about the fourth place we stopped I decided to quit being a wuss and just yank the stupid thing out.  It hurt like a mother for a couple minutes but then it was fine.

I caught a couple of the biggest fish that I ever have on my fly rod this trip.  18" but really fat and heavy.

Nothing like this one though.  I'm finally in the 20/20 club. (20" fish on a size 20 fly)  I was ecstatic to land a fish of this size all on my own too.  It was only like a 20 minute battle.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for taking me sweetie! Had lots of fun and I'm glad I got to be there to see what a studly fisherman you are!


Bird Counts 2014-2015

Ducks: 7
Chase Birds Retrieved: 38

Bird Counts 2013-2014

Ducks: 21
Geese: 3
Doves: 6
Pheasants: 2

Bird Counts 2012-2013

Swan: 1
Coot: 1

Bird Counts 2011-2012

Dove: 5
Grouse: 1
Ducks: 74
Geese: 9
Pheasants: 6

Bird Counts 10-11

Doves: 8
Ducks: 38
Canada Geese: 1
Pheasants: 5

Bird Counts 09-10

Doves: 26
Ducks: 95
Canada Geese: 16
Snow Geese: 1
Coots: 4
Pheasants: 1
Snipe: 1

Days in the Field

2012: 58
2013-2014 Waterfowl: 22
2014-2015 Waterfowl: 2