Saturday, October 5, 2013

Opening Day

Opening day turned out to be kind of a bust.  Todd, Darin, Steve, and I headed out to the marsh at 4 a.m.  We were just finishing setting up when the shooting started... 40 minutes early!  We would have shot a few more had shooting started closer to legal hours but I'm not going to let early shooters ruin my season; there's still another 106 days to hunt.  Ended up with 3, can't wait for some birds to show up.

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Bird Counts 2014-2015

Ducks: 7
Chase Birds Retrieved: 38

Bird Counts 2013-2014

Ducks: 21
Geese: 3
Doves: 6
Pheasants: 2

Bird Counts 2012-2013

Swan: 1
Coot: 1

Bird Counts 2011-2012

Dove: 5
Grouse: 1
Ducks: 74
Geese: 9
Pheasants: 6

Bird Counts 10-11

Doves: 8
Ducks: 38
Canada Geese: 1
Pheasants: 5

Bird Counts 09-10

Doves: 26
Ducks: 95
Canada Geese: 16
Snow Geese: 1
Coots: 4
Pheasants: 1
Snipe: 1

Days in the Field

2012: 58
2013-2014 Waterfowl: 22
2014-2015 Waterfowl: 2