Wednesday, October 14, 2009

My Puppy

I have decided that my new puppy is a retrieving machine. He will retrieve anything and he absolutely loves it. Today I shot a goose and my lab, Jax, would not bring it to me. I took it home and threw it for Chase; he dragged it back for me. I can't wait for him to get a little older so that I can train him more seriously. Even though he is only 12 weeks, he shows a ton of potential. Half the time I hate him and the other I love him. I love him when he has a duck in his mouth though.


  1. He pretty much will bring you back anything you throw and that is fun! And it was cute to see him try and drag that huge goose around. But I'm excited for you to start teaching him so hopefully I won't get so frustrated with him. ;)

  2. He's not too bad at getting chickens either ;)


Bird Counts 2014-2015

Ducks: 7
Chase Birds Retrieved: 38

Bird Counts 2013-2014

Ducks: 21
Geese: 3
Doves: 6
Pheasants: 2

Bird Counts 2012-2013

Swan: 1
Coot: 1

Bird Counts 2011-2012

Dove: 5
Grouse: 1
Ducks: 74
Geese: 9
Pheasants: 6

Bird Counts 10-11

Doves: 8
Ducks: 38
Canada Geese: 1
Pheasants: 5

Bird Counts 09-10

Doves: 26
Ducks: 95
Canada Geese: 16
Snow Geese: 1
Coots: 4
Pheasants: 1
Snipe: 1

Days in the Field

2012: 58
2013-2014 Waterfowl: 22
2014-2015 Waterfowl: 2